SPS Preschool Curriculums

From letters, colors, and shapes to learning how to care for and play with one another, our goal at SPS is to give each child the tools they need to grow socially and emotionally while continuing to tailor lessons to allow each child to shine. Classes are center-based, meaning there are different areas of the classroom designated to reading, play, exploration, group activities, etc.
Each class has weekly specials as well as daily recess on one of our three age-level appropriate, tree-shaded playgrounds.
Click here to see the 2s curriculum goals.
Click here to see the 3s curriculum goals.
Click here to see the Pre-K curriculum goals.
2s Curriculum Goals
Emotional Growth
Provide safe, healthy, secure, welcoming environment away from home.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere of joy and warmth for the child.
Nurture and become a significant, consistent adult in child’s life.
Create an environment that encourages curiosity and exploration.
Provide experiences to increase child’s sense of competence.
Provide experiences to develop qualities of responsibility, initiative.
Cognitive Growth
Provide activities to promote language development.
Provide activities to promote sequencing skills.
Provide opportunities to learn expressive language through singing songs or saying fingerplays, conversation, role playing, pretend and dramatic play, peer interaction, and circle time.
Provide activities to promote visual discrimination with colors and matching colors, simple objects or pictures.
Invite interest in books and reading by reading, encouraging children to hold and explore books, and to “read” using pictures and memory.
Provide opportunities to express self through music, art, movement.
Provide opportunities to begin learning Spanish.
Social Growth
Encourage beginning cooperative play, sharing, and taking turns.
Encourage independence (leaves parent comfortably).
Encourage sharing of adults with other children.
Encourage responsibility for maintaining classroom environment.
Encourage respect for authority, property, and the rights of others.
Physical Growth
Provide activities to promote large muscle development.
Provide activities to promote small muscle development and eye-hand.
Demonstrate and encourage good habits of health and safety.
Spiritual Growth
Encourage and model showing love for one another and being a friend.
Encourage and model consciousness of God, exploration of God’s world.
Introduce rituals of thankfulness and concern.
3s Curriculum Goals
Cognitive Growth
Provide learning activities in language arts.
receptive language
expressive language and increasing vocabulary
pre-writing activities using crayons, pencils, pens, markers, and fingerpaints, water paints with small brushes
visual discrimination through matching, finding hidden objects, sequencing activities, color naming
introductory activities for letter recognition
Provide concrete activities in pre-math and logical thinking skills.
sorting, classifying, matching, patterns
sequencing and recalling sequence of events
one-to-one correspondence
beginning number recognition
memory skills
Provide learning experiences in science.
growing and the care of living things
cooking activities
gathering and collecting things from nature
simple experiments
activities to enhance observation skills and develop concepts such as same and different
Provide a wide range of art and music activities.
Facilitate creative and make-believe play
with objects
about situations
assuming pretend roles
interacting with other children
Provide opportunities to express self through music, art, and movement.
Provide opportunities to begin learning Spanish.
Physical Growth
Provide opportunities for large muscle development, muscle and limb control.
Provide opportunities for small muscle development.
Provide opportunities to develop spatial skills, hand-eye coordination, balance and coordination.
Encourage good habits of health and safety.
Emotional Growth
Provide a safe, healthy and secure environment away from home.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere of joy and warmth for the child.
Provide a nurturing atmosphere and become a significant, consistent adult in the child’s life.
Create an environment that encourages curiosity, discovery and exploration.
Provide experiences that will increase child’s positive self-image, sense of competence and pride in accomplishments.
Provide experiences to develop qualities of responsibility, initiative, and independence.
Provide opportunities to expand attention span, including practice working independently, sitting still, concentrating, following directions, and persevering until a task is finished.
Social Growth
Encourage building friendships among all class members.
Encourage sharing and taking turns.
Encourage and model understanding and respecting differences.
Encourage child to accept responsibility for maintaining classroom environment.
Encourage child to work cooperatively with others.
Encourage child to resolve conflicts constructively.
Encourage child to share adults with other children.
Encourage child to attempt to conform to rules and follow directions.
Provide child opportunities to practice thoughtfulness and giving.
Encourage respect for authority, property, and the rights of others.
Spiritual Growth
Encourage and model showing love for each other.
Demonstrate and encourage consciousness of God.
Guide in development of ecological values and concern for God’s world.
Help children recognize differences and likenesses in people and to show acceptance.
Provide learning experiences about Christmas and Easter.
Introduce rituals of thankfulness and concern.
Pre-K Curriculum Goals
Cognitive Growth
Provide language-development activities in listening/receptive language and expressive language.
Provide activities to develop pre-reading skills
alphabet recognition
visual discrimination
matching shapes, letters, words
recognizing words and listing words on experience charts
writing class stories
Provide activities to develop pre-writing skills
​tactile writing experiences with a variety of writing materials
tracing activities
assembling individual books of beginning story-writing
Provide activities to develop beginning math skill
​matching, sorting, counting concrete objects
grouping objects into sets
number recognition and sequencing of numbers
graphing and number comparisons
Provide experiences in science
simple experiments
cooking activities
collecting and grouping objects from nature
observation and memory skills
Provide experiences in social studies
simple map skill activities
historical events in the calendar year
Facilitate creative and make-believe play
with objects
about situations
assuming pretend roles
interacting with other children
with puppets and acting out stories
Provide opportunities to practice and develop reasoning and problem-solving skills
Provide opportunities to express self through art, music, drama, and creative movement.
Provide opportunities to begin learning Spanish.
Emotional Growth
Provide a safe, healthy and secure environment away from home.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere of joy and warmth for the child.
Nurture and become a significant, consistent adult in the child’s life.
Create an environment that encourages discovery and exploration.
Provide experiences that will increase child’s positive self-image, sense of competence and pride in accomplishments.
Provide experiences to develop qualities of responsibility, initiative, and independence and help children learn to face and overcome problems.
Social Growth
Encourage social interaction among all class members.
Encourage sharing and turn taking.
Encourage fairness in large and small group game play.
Encourage verbal expression of emotions and feelings.
Encourage talking through problems and rationalization.
Encourage independence, self-control, and self-help skills.
Encourage resolution of conflicts constructively.
Encourage conforming to rules and following directions.
Encourage working cooperatively with others.
Encourage a sense of initiative.
Encourage responsibility to maintain classroom environment.
Encourage respect for authority, property, and the rights of others.
Physical Growth
Provide opportunity for large muscle development.
Provide opportunity for small muscle development.
Demonstrate and encourage good habits of health and safety.
Spiritual Growth
Encourage and model showing love for each other.
Demonstrate and encourage consciousness of God.
Guide in development of ecological values and concern for God’s world.
Help children recognize differences and likenesses in people and to show acceptance.
Provide learning experiences about Christmas and Easter.
Introduce rituals of thankfulness and concern.